“Many academics agree that writing for publication is one of the most difficult aspects of the process of research.”

– Kramer and Libhaber, BMC Medical Education 2016

SugarApple Communications recognises that in every field of science, good writing is essential for success.

Publishing high-quality data in an influential journal can be difficult if your paper is not written for the intended audience.

Great scientists and researchers are not always great writers. Scientific writing combines technical scientific expertise with the art of writing. 

Scientific Writing - SugarApple Communications   
Scientific Writing - SugarApple Communications
Scientific Writing - SugarApple Communications

What we can do

At SugarApple Communications, we are experts at turning complex scientific, technical or medical information and data into clear readable text that is fit for your purpose.

If you are time-poor or struggling to start of finish your manuscript, grant proposal, abstracts or posters, we can help you.

We can work with you to transform your raw data or incomplete drafts into submission-ready manuscripts that clearly communicate your research output.

Our expertise include:

  • Grant proposals
  • Systematic and literature reviews
  • Primary research manuscripts
  • Conference abstracts, posters and presentations

Why choose us

At SugarApple Communications we are not ghostwriters. As Certified Medical Publication Professionals (CMPP)* we adhere to relevant industry and academic standards of quality, ethics and best practice, such as Good Publication Practice for Communicating Company-Sponsored Medical Research (GPP3)*; the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and reporting guidelines where appropriate such as those collated by the EQUATOR network that enhance the transparency and quality of health research

*CMPP, Certified Medical Publication Professional; GPP3, Good Publication Practice for Communicating Company-Sponsored Medical Research; are professional accreditation and practice guidelines developed and endorsed by the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals, ISMPP)

Unfog the science…ensure quality, clarity and accuracy.