“Data can’t speak for itself; it’s up to you to give it a voice. Try to speak truthfully.”
– Ronald H. Coase
Raw data can be confusing, ‘noisy’, messy and generally uninformative. It is like a tangled mass of threads that has to be unravelled to reveal a golden thread of information. Extracting this golden thread and turning it into a clear statement can be a daunting task.
Analytical methods and correct interpretation of statistical estimates are important for achieving real world solutions.
Communication partners who understand both the science and the statistics are a valuable asset.

We can provide advice on:
- Analysis approaches relevant to the study design and a priori hypotheses
- Data management and statistical methods
- Accurate interpretation of point estimates and p-values
- Preparation of tables and illustrations for publication and presentation
- Addressing study limitations, sources of bias and validity issues
- Conclusions and real-world implications of your results
Contact us to discuss your needs – we are happy to help.